Sunday, September 20, 2015

Crimean Tatars and Right Sector Blockaded Crimea

Hundreds of pro-Kiev activists from Crimea's Tatar community on Sunday launched a blockade of roads from Ukraine to the Crimean peninsula to protest Russia's seizure of their home region.

Accompanied by members of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist Pravy Sektor group, protesters from the Muslim Tatar community used concrete blocks to partially seal off the three roads linking mainland Ukraine to Crimea in an attempt to halt the delivery of goods.

Tatar leaders said they were aiming to block supplies to protest the "numerous violations of their rights by Russian authorities".

"Our goal is to end the occupation of Crimea and to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine," Refat Chubarov, one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar community, told journalists.

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