Monday, September 21, 2015

Robopocalypse #23: If Drones Built a Bridge, Would you Walk Over it?


Drones build a rope bridge (see above for video).

Albania has requested its fans NOT fly drones at Oct. 8 European Championship qualifier against Serbia. Last year a fan fly in a drone with an Albanian flag and caused a stink.

The potential for armed consumer drones is the industry's latest headache.

Drones are starting to be included in ... dance.

With drones, your formerly private places...aren't.

Self Driving Cars:

Apple did, in fact, meet with California government officials about their self driving car plans. Apple's intentions about its electric and ultimately self driving car are rumored to be a serious threat to the traditional automakers.

Google is expanding its self driving car testing program.

Amusingly, self driving trucks require an additional certification over just driving trucks.

3d Printing:

Staples has launched their online 3d printing service.

Local Motors will start taking preorders for 3d printed cars starting in October.

A young girl received a 3d printed trachea.

Inspired by the MIT 3d glass printing, an entrepreneur has made his own 3d glass printer.

Harvard has developed a multi material 3d printer for flexible electronics.

An MIT paper covers 3d printing wood with custom grain structures.


In a way that sorta counts, Barbie, yes, Barbie, is getting an AI implanted.

Angee is a cross between a security system and a personal assistant. It really just needs to be mobile and you can have the butler from Caprica.

Non Chinese companies have significant advantages over local businesses in selling their robots to the Chinese.

Biomimicry is inspiring some of the next gen robots.

Software Bots:

Ipsys has a cosmetics advising software that just pulled in $100M worth of funding. This is increasing the trend in advisor bots being developed by Silicon Valley for fashion related applications.


Trust is the issue for autonomous systems in the military.  A second look at trust of robotics comes from robots in peace keeping missions, too.

 An Estonian company has developed a combat robot.  Looks like Bolos might have Estonian roots.

DARPA has created its Robotics Fast Track challenge for rapidly prototyping designs for robots for troops in the field.

The US Marines are now testing Google's Boston Dynamics latest bot, Spot.


Another opinion piece on whether or not bots are coming for your job.

How sensors and bots will transform agricultural, transportation and elder care.

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