Friday, September 04, 2015

Stealth Saga #4: Program Problems and the Bomber Question

Russia's V. M. Myasishchev Experimental Design Bureau has come out with the concept stealthy MALE UAV called "Overview-1."  (see above pic)

Some are claiming a variant of the J-20 is going to be China's next bomber.

The Indian Air Force's problems with fighter acquisition are detailed.

Two F-22s arrived in Estonia.

The first two combat coded F-35As have arrived at Hill Air Force Base.

The two competing teams for the Long Range Strike Bomber (USAF B-3) have submitted their designs.  The LRS-B designs are supposed to be extremely mature at this point, far more so than most would expect at this stage.  There are rumors the Texas sighting of a triangular aircraft was an LRSB prototype, but the air force has denied the LRSB has flown.  Sources are now saying a decision is expected in October, yet another slip.  Forbes gives an overview for those just getting spun up on the program.

There is a strange case of a stealthy 'Franken Hornet' in the Boneyard.   Alpha Foxtrot speculates this was a stealthy UAV/UCAV (*cough*drone*cough*) built to have some commonality with the Super Hornets on the CVN flight decks.  Doesn't look like it worked out.

I missed back in June a release by the US Air Force for a fast, cheap and reusable strike UCAV demonstration presolicitation.  Stealthy?  Dunno.  Probably, but it won't be cheap then.

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