Sunday, October 25, 2015

Whither Canada's Air Force?

Canada doesn't really have an air force: it has a unified military rather than separate branches. However, with the elections having taken place and the Liberal party with Trudeau as prime minister, Canada is likely to pull out of the F-35.  This was one of Trudeau's campaign promises and he's already fulfilled the promise to withdraw Canadian F-18s from the IS fight in Syria.  Given he kept that one, the JSF withdrawal seems certain.

Sensing Canada's official withdrawal, the French have already jumped up to say they are willing to sell the Rafale to Canada. 

So what will Canada do?

There is likely to be a wide review of what the air forces are meant to do.  Others are stating the Canadian air defense policy is a joke.

We shall see what our sibs to the north do.  Will it be the more of the same or...?

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