Saturday, February 27, 2016

Converging on Cryptocurrency #3


Is the bitcoin community melting down?  Or it that really just a sensation piece in light of the agreement last week?

In Britain, the FCA is offering to regulate both fintech and cryptocurrencies.

China's Great Firewall may be causing problems for bitcoin.
The European Union is considering a new proposal for how to regulate cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

Japan is considering treating bitcoin and other digital currencies as regular coinage.
Could Russia turn around and legalize bitcoin this year?

Bitcoin to the rescue!  In Venezuela?


These are the top three altcoins for the last three years running.

Two altcoin exchanges get compared., another altcoin exchange, has entered into a private beta.

A fintech company in the Barbados launched a blockchain derived digital Barbadian Dollar.

China is considering offering an official cryptocurrency from their central bank.  There are some hints it may not be blockchain derived.


One federal adviser on bitcoin has stated many uses of the blockchain without bitcoin are misguided.

Even so, the blockchain is growing in importance for financial use.

The blockchain and its implications are being increasingly noted by the FTC.

And even by the WSJ.

Bank of America is seeking 20 more patents based on the blockchain.

Intel is testing a fantasy sports game based on the blockchain.


The Phone Hacking Group has supposedly been making fake bomb threats in exchange for bitcoin.

Another group hacked a Hollywood hospital and is demanding 9,000 bitcoin...or else.

Folks who have been going to Swiss strip clubs have been getting blackmail letters stating to pay up in bitcoin or else.

Butterfly Labs has been shutdown by the FTC for fraud.

New cryptocurrency exchange cryptopolis is being called a scam.


Do banks really see bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies) as a threat?

Is bitcoin a threat to China!?!  Think capital controls.

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