Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mercury Increased in Three Different Spikes From Deccan Traps Across the K-T/K-Pg Boundary

Mercury enrichment and Hg isotopes in Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary successions: Links to volcanism and palaeoenvironmental impacts


Sial et al


We investigate the use of Hg as a proxy for volcanism by studying four distal and two proximal sections in relation to the Deccan volcanic center, straddling the Cretaceous–Paleogene (KPg) boundary at (a) Højerup (Denmark), Bottaccione and Padriciano (Italy), (b) Meghalaya and Jhilmili (India), and (c) Bajada del Jagüel (Argentina). Hg sequestration by organic matter results in constant Hg/TOC ratio and linear correlation between Hg content of the sediments and total organic carbon (TOC).
Elevated Hg concentrations that deviate from this linear relationship represent most likely true Hg anomalies and these notable Hg/TOC spikes (all TOC <1 al="" also="" and="" are="" at="" between="" biozone="" bottaccione="" boundary="" cf2="" clear="" correlation="" foraminiferal="" found="" h="" hg="" i="" ii="" iii="" in="" jerup="" jhilmili="" kpg="" meghalaya="" no="" occurs="" p1a="" planktic="" section.="" sections="" spike="" sub="" subzone="" the="" within="">2
O3 exists in any of the studied sections. The Hg anomalies probably result from strong volcanic episodes of the Deccan phase-2 (started 250 kyr before the KPg boundary and lasted for 750 kyr) that exhaled sulfuric aerosols, carbon dioxide and other toxic agents which reached a critical threshold, represented in true Hg enrichments in the paleoenvironments. The possibility that Hg enrichments resulted from anoxia scavenging on the seafloor and penetration downward into sediments is not supported in the stratigraphic record of Mo/Al ratios redox proxy.<1 250="" 750="" a="" aerosols="" agents="" al2o3="" also="" and="" anomalies="" anoxia="" any="" are="" at="" before="" between="" biozone="" bottaccione="" boundary="" br="" carbon="" cf2="" clear="" correlation="" critical="" deccan="" dioxide="" downward="" enrichments="" episodes="" exhaled="" exists="" for="" foraminiferal="" found="" from="" h="" hg="" i="" ii="" iii="" in="" into="" is="" jerup="" jhilmili="" kpg="" kyr="" l="" lasted="" meghalaya="" mo="" no="" not="" occurs="" of="" on="" other="" p1a="" paleoenvironments.="" penetration="" phase-2="" planktic="" possibility="" probably="" proxy.="" ratios="" reached="" record="" redox="" represented="" result="" resulted="" scavenging="" seafloor="" section.="" sections.="" sections="" sediments="" spike="" started="" stratigraphic="" strong="" studied="" subzone="" sulfuric="" supported="" that="" the="" threshold="" toxic="" true="" volcanic="" which="" within="">
<1 250="" 750="" a="" aerosols="" agents="" al2o3="" also="" and="" anomalies="" anoxia="" any="" are="" at="" before="" between="" biozone="" bottaccione="" boundary="" br="" carbon="" cf2="" clear="" correlation="" critical="" deccan="" dioxide="" downward="" enrichments="" episodes="" exhaled="" exists="" for="" foraminiferal="" found="" from="" h="" hg="" i="" ii="" iii="" in="" into="" is="" jerup="" jhilmili="" kpg="" kyr="" l="" lasted="" meghalaya="" mo="" no="" not="" occurs="" of="" on="" other="" p1a="" paleoenvironments.="" penetration="" phase-2="" planktic="" possibility="" probably="" proxy.="" ratios="" reached="" record="" redox="" represented="" result="" resulted="" scavenging="" seafloor="" section.="" sections.="" sections="" sediments="" spike="" started="" stratigraphic="" strong="" studied="" subzone="" sulfuric="" supported="" that="" the="" threshold="" toxic="" true="" volcanic="" which="" within=""> Hg isotopes were analyzed in samples from all KPg boundary sections in this study and from Bidart, France, the latter for comparison. Hg isotopes yielded δ202Hg values ranging from −1 to −2‰ and Δ201Hg signatures from 0 to 0.05‰ (spike II in Højerup, Bottaccione and Meghalaya KPg boundary layers) consistent with volcanic emission of Hg (0 to −2‰). The δ202Hg in spike I in Meghalaya and Padriciano and spike III in Jhilmili is consistent with volcanic emission of Hg. Two samples from Bajada del Jagüel and four from Bidart, however, display isotope signals compatible with volcanic emission/chondrite Hg. The results of three other samples are characteristic for reworked sediment, soil and/or peat. Most of the data show small positive Δ201Hg, in favor of long-term atmospheric transport prior to deposition, supporting a volcanic origin for the Hg. The present study broadens, therefore, the potential use of Hg as stratigraphic marker and, moreover, confirms that in the critical KPg transition, Hg was enriched in paleoenvironments at three distinct stages during the Deccan phase-2.
<1 250="" 750="" a="" aerosols="" agents="" al2o3="" also="" and="" anomalies="" anoxia="" any="" are="" at="" before="" between="" biozone="" bottaccione="" boundary="" br="" carbon="" cf2="" clear="" correlation="" critical="" deccan="" dioxide="" downward="" enrichments="" episodes="" exhaled="" exists="" for="" foraminiferal="" found="" from="" h="" hg="" i="" ii="" iii="" in="" into="" is="" jerup="" jhilmili="" kpg="" kyr="" l="" lasted="" meghalaya="" mo="" no="" not="" occurs="" of="" on="" other="" p1a="" paleoenvironments.="" penetration="" phase-2="" planktic="" possibility="" probably="" proxy.="" ratios="" reached="" record="" redox="" represented="" result="" resulted="" scavenging="" seafloor="" section.="" sections.="" sections="" sediments="" spike="" started="" stratigraphic="" strong="" studied="" subzone="" sulfuric="" supported="" that="" the="" threshold="" toxic="" true="" volcanic="" which="" within="">
<1 250="" 750="" a="" aerosols="" agents="" al2o3="" also="" and="" anomalies="" anoxia="" any="" are="" at="" before="" between="" biozone="" bottaccione="" boundary="" br="" carbon="" cf2="" clear="" correlation="" critical="" deccan="" dioxide="" downward="" enrichments="" episodes="" exhaled="" exists="" for="" foraminiferal="" found="" from="" h="" hg="" i="" ii="" iii="" in="" into="" is="" jerup="" jhilmili="" kpg="" kyr="" l="" lasted="" meghalaya="" mo="" no="" not="" occurs="" of="" on="" other="" p1a="" paleoenvironments.="" penetration="" phase-2="" planktic="" possibility="" probably="" proxy.="" ratios="" reached="" record="" redox="" represented="" result="" resulted="" scavenging="" seafloor="" section.="" sections.="" sections="" sediments="" spike="" started="" stratigraphic="" strong="" studied="" subzone="" sulfuric="" supported="" that="" the="" threshold="" toxic="" true="" volcanic="" which="" within="">

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