Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Terminator Times #13


An AI developed to simulate fighter combat successfully took down a very accomplished fighter pilot every time in a simulator.

Smaller drones for tactical operations are coming.

Latvia has cleared its army for shooting down any UAVs over their bases.

DARPA has awarded two contracts to for its swarming UAV CODE program. 

Airborn Concepts unveiled its new UAV plans. 

France has called for final offers in its DRAC UAV replacement program.

Argentina has cancelled its SARA UAV program.

The British are transferring control of its Watchkeeper UAVs to the helicopter command.

General Atomics is flying an improved Avenger drone in October.

The Wing Loong UAV is confirmed to be in Pakistan because one crashed and folks took pictures.  Pakistan has stated the UAV was on an experimental flight.

The reasons for two American drone crashes have been IDed.

US Navy's Triton variant of the Global Hawk has sent full motion video to a P-8 antisub plane.

The US Navy's Fire Scout robo helicopters have been used to hunt terrorists in Africa.

Here is what the US Navy wants its first carrier borne drone to do.

MQ-9s will be used in the first trilateral ballistic missile defense exercises off Hawaii between the US, South Korea and Japan.

China has unveiled their robo helicopter can carry & use antitank missiles.

India has requested a quote for 22 Guardian (Predator derived maritime patrol drones) UAVs.

Northrop has teamed with another company to improve their UAVs.

Northrop will also upgrade the SIGINT payload for the Global Hawk.

Raytheon's anti UAV system is getting a lot of interest as well.

Lockheed's counter battery radar can now detect UAVs.

OSCE showed pictures of its drones under attack in Ukraine.

Robo Subs:

GM & the US Navy are working on hydrogen fuel cell powered UUVs.

Robo Boats:

Elbit systems has test fired torpedoes from their unmanned boat (USV).

Unmanned Ground Vehicles:

Gabon has ordered some UGVs. 

Raytheon has a sensor designed to find IEDs mounted on a bot. 

Northrop's new explosive disposal bot has passed the USN's CDR.

Tecdron showed off its armed UGVs. 

Elbit outlined its UGV plans.

The armed bot Dogo is getting more press.

Software Bots:

The US Naby is studying bots with social skills.


The third offset for the US military gets delved into.

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