Friday, July 22, 2016

Robopocalypse #87


Facebook flew its giant communications drone for the first time.

Delivery drones might be paired with trucks.

There is a drone racing kit.

Airbus has been using drones for aircraft inspections.

Amazon has patented the idea of using lamp post lights to charge drones.

A Utah company claims to have the world's fast commercially available drone.

Self Driving Cars:

Ford is investing in a company making maps for self driving cars.

Tesla has stated one of the recent crashes did NOT have the Autopilot engaged.

In fact, Tesla is claiming Autopilot saved the life of a pedestrian.

And Tesla has unveiled its revised master plan.

Germany will require blackboxes for self driving cars.

Mercedes showed off its self driving bus.

Jaguar will start testing its self driving cars in Britain.

China is trying to put a halt to self driving car testing until they get the regulations in place.

Farmers are fighting for the right to fix their own tractors.  John Deere has stated the tractors only come with an operation for life license instead of true ownership.

3d Printing:

Exploring superconducting properties of 3d printed objects.

The culinary institute of america has been experimenting with 3d printing food.

3d printing being applied to meta materials.

A new company claims it has a 3d printer eliminating the post processing step.


One bot cooked a bunch of brats...tailgating threatened by the robopocalypse now?

Robotic furniture too!

There is a robot for feeding the paralyzed.

There is a robot for massage.

The RNC received 20 robots for bomb disposal just in case at the convention.

A new method for building swimming microbots has been created.

Robots can now move like centipedes.

Software Bots:

A new Baidu developed bot creates music based on pictures.

Machine learning is being used for hunting for virus reservoirs in bats.

The Amazon Echo might have been wire tapped.

Google is attempting to use a software bot to improve the cooling efficiency of its data centers.


The future of exoskeletons might be skin tight suits.

There is a downloadable 3d printable exoskeleton. 



Robots and humans working together, mass hysteria!

Does the robopocalypse have a white guy problem?

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