Friday, July 15, 2016

Scuffle in the South China Sea #59

A long document on the Chinese response to the South China Sea ruling.

China's path forward is very unclear at this point to the rest of the world.  They may expand their claims.

However, the Chinese Ambassador to the US blasted ruling and laid out China's position.  China vowed a decisive response to the 'provocations' by other countries.

Chinese civilian airliners have begun landing at two of the reclaimed reefs. 

China and Taiwan are likely to increase patrols in the South China Sea.  Remember!  Taiwan has the same claims as China.  The difference is the ability to enforce them.

Taiwan is sending ships down to the South China Sea now.

A fourth Type 052D destroyer has joined China's South Seas fleet.

The Chinese flew H-6K bombers over Scarborough Shoal.

China protested an Australian comment on freedom of navigation acts in the South China Sea.

The US is pushing diplomacy, quietly, to keep the South China Sea from boiling up.

US & Chinese admirals are meeting to try to help with the situation.

A defense analyst POV on the Manila win over Beijing in the South China Sea arbitration.  

Manila celebrates

The Philippines will send an envoy to China to negotiate.

However, could the victory be hollow?

ASEAN will keep quiet over the ruling it seems.

Indonesia will now press its own claims with fishermen in a reflection of China's Little Blue Men.

Vietnam protested the Chinese actions after the ruling and China is seen as just going to defy the ruling.  

China has called on Vietnam to help keep the peace in the disputed waterways..

Silence by the EU about the decision is seen as due to internal divisions.

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