Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Terminator Times #14


An USAF MQ-9 Reaper crashed in Syria.

US Navy's USS Coronado has an upgraded FireScout unmanned helicopter during its deployment to the Western Pacific.  It has a new radar on board.

The US Navy has disclosed the Triton UAV has problems with its wings.

Micro drones are being tested at Quantico.

A mysterious drone spied on military exercises in the Baltic.

The British are considering what to do about the American problem of not being able to have enough Reaper pilots.

British Aerospace wants to chemically print drones.

More on India's request for Guardian drones from the US.

India has also stated a requirement for a triservice UAV.

China has developed a 'counter UAV' system.

A new book takes a look at Obama's use of drones in warfare. 

BlueBird has unveiled a new version of its SpyLight drone.

Japan may collaborate with Israel to develop UAVs.

Robo Boats:

USVs are being used to hunt mines off the coast of Scotland.

Software Bots:

Much is being made of the AI that creamed a retired fighter pilot.  The reactions go on and on.

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