Friday, September 16, 2016

Terminator Times #20

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles:

Background info on the USAF's first attempt at a UCAV in 1972. 

One POV on the current drone strikes.

AeroVironment  is testing its BlackWing UAV as a naval communications relay.

The US military is expanding the counter UAV exercises known as Black Dart.

General Atomics announced its Certifiable Predator B has completed integration.

The US Army has shown off its quadcopter resupply vehicle testbed.

Northrop just got a contract for 10 Firescout robo helicopters.

The US Navy has outlined what sensors will be on the MQ-25 Stingray.

Swarming UAVs are going to disrupt warfare.

Belarus has developed UAV specific jammers.

Israel's Cormorant (formerly AirMule) has stepped up testing.

Israel's BlueBird's UAVs have new payloads.

Israel's Elbit announced a new kamikaze drone (loitering munition).

Israel's Orbiter 4 prepares for flight testing.

Israel is also working on a quadcopter.

Japan is NOT collaborating with Israel on UAVs.

The unmanned peacekeepers flying over Africa...

Poland's NeoX drone is making progress.

WB Electronics' Łoś UAV has introduced electronic warfare options for Poland.

Russia's RHV-35 looks like the Hunter Killers from Terminator.

Russia is starting production of the Korsar UAV in 2017.

Russia has also demonstrated an anti UAV system.

Saudi Arabia may have bought Chinese UAVs equivalent to the Reaper.

South Korea's KARI unveiled its TR60 tilt rotor UAV.

Quadcopters are being weaponized in Syria.

Unmanned Ground Vehicles:

The US Army has IDed a need for an unmanned recovery vehicle.

Russia's Kalashnikov has unveiled the Soratnik unmanned combat ground vehicle.

Russia's Uran-9/Vikhr UCGV was also unveiled.

The Russians developed an unmanned version of VPK-33115 Tigr-Mlight utility vehicle with the same turret as the Soratnik/Uran-9.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles:

The Royal Navy has been testing its robo boat on the Thames.

ARCIMS USV has been paired with AQS-24B for the Unmanned Warrior exercise.

Unmanned Underwater Vehicles:

The US Navy has released an RFI for an Extra Large UUV with the ultimate plan of purchasing 5.

Software Bots:

How to teach software how to target via machine learning.


Northrop has demonstrated a autonomous framework for unmanned vehicles.

After distributed lethality, some are calling for networked unmanned lethality.

The US military is worried about the Terminator scenario.

In fact, the US SecDef claims the US will NEVER use killer robots.

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