Friday, November 04, 2016

The Coming Cyber War #20

Cyber Warfare:

The next American President is predicted to face a cyber crisis within 100 days of taking office.

An American vigilante hacker defaced the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website and issued a warning if there is further cyber attacks on the US. 

The cyber attack against the DNS company Dyn that took down the internet in the US gets profiled.  A little more info here.

Dyn responded to the attack with a press release.

The attack was supposedly done by 'script kiddies.'

Mirai and Bashlight were the software bots used against the DNS company Dyn.

The Mirai software makes the DDOS attacks much easier. 

What were the lessons learned from the DDOS attack? 

Is there anything that can be done about the DDOS attacks?

How vigilante hackers could stop IoT botnets like the ones in the attack on Dyn.

The Mirai bot attackers are now trying to take down Liberia.

A new more powerful botnet infected 3,500 IoT devices in 7 days.

The British are investing over $2 billion in cyber defense.

Two British hospitals were taken out by a virus.

Here's a look at Russia's attack on the American election system.

Putin has stated cyber attacks are unacceptable and called the interference in the election system by Russia nothing more than hysteria.

The Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium was held.

The Shadow Brokers, those hackers who attacked the NSA and tried (but failed) to sell those secrets, revealed more info.

US military cyber attack teams have reached initial operating capability.

Cyber Security:

The US is said to be boosting cyber defenses for the election.

Drones are now hackable.

Google revealed a Windows security flaw just 10 days after notifying Microsoft.  Hackers have pounced on the reported flaw.  Microsoft has stated Russians have especially.

Yet Google hid a security flaw in Apple's IOS.

A google security engineer claims Android is now as secure as IOS.

A controversial Chinese cyber security law is closer to passing.

Chinese firm Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology had several of its products sold in the US hacked and is recalling them.

How hackable are your IoT devices? 

The Israeli company noted for being able to hack phone has had its firmware leaked online.

All LTE cell phone calls and messages can be intercepted and blocked.

The Rowhammer attack can now root Android devices. 

It might be possible to hack machines via ultrasound.

VeraCrypt has been found to be very flawed.

Cyber Espionage:

Apple has been sharing data with governments.

One of Putin's aides had his email account hacked by a supposed Ukrainian hacker.  It showed just how tight the relationship is between the supposed rebels in eastern Ukraine and Moscow.

The scan order for Yahoo's email is likely to never see the light of day.

Cyber Crime:

A member of Anonymous has been indicted for hacking Boston's Children Hospital.

An American bank regulator was 'hacked' by a former employee.

The Dark Web may not be as dark or as illegal as we think.

The Red Cross was hacked.

The Russian accused of hacking linkedin has been indicted.

A teenager supposedly launched an DDOS attack by accident?!

Weebly has been hacked and 43 million credentials stolen.

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