Saturday, August 05, 2017

Terminator Times #32

Drones (UAVs):

The Army Research Lab has developed a tiny 300g tilt rotor drone it intends to fly autonomously for ISR missions.

The US Army awarded Leonardo a contract to develop a vehicle mounted CUAS system.

A drone buzzed an F-22 parked at an airport and as a result the USAF is calling for defenses against drones (and permission to shoot them down).

A USAF Global Hawk's route when observing the Black Sea and Ukraine.

The USMC is also looking for good drone defenses.

The US Navy has released its latest version of the draft RFP for the MQ-25A Stingray tanker.  The results are rather...disappointing.

Should Lockheed compete an unmanned S-3 for the MQ-25A contract?

A US Navy Research Lab drone can transition from moving through water to the air and back.

The US Navy's Triton drone program costs have risen 17%.

Australia will sign an MOU for seven MQ-4C in March 2018.

Australia also signed a contract with AeroVironment for their WASP-AEs.

China's CH-5 drone had its maiden flight and here are some pictures.

China is also offering its CH-5 for export.

China is supposedly ready to mass produce the CH-5.

Estonia's Threod has a new Stream C UAV.

Estonia's Marduk is to begin testing its Shark counter drone system, a laser.

Estonia's Eli Airborn Solutions is about to start testing its Drone Nest.

The French and Germans have agreed to develop their own MALE UAV.

Germany has ordered more of the LUNA UAVs.

Guardion has entered the CUAS arena.

IAI is boosting its Heron TP offer to India.

Thales has proposed the Watchkeeper UAV to Indonesia.

However, Indonesia is considering Chinese drones.

Iran is now marketing its Hamaseh UAV internationally.

Israel's Aeronautics is reportedly buying an unnamed US drone company.

The Italian air force's Predators have appeared with new markings for a new squadron's activation.

Logos tested its light weight Wide Area Motion Imagery pod on a US Navy drone.

Nigeria has reactivated its UAV training units.

A Hermes 900 was spotted flying over Luzon (Philippines) recently.  This was part of a demonstration for their Air Force.

Russia has modified an unmanned helicopter for Arctic use.

The Chinese may be interested in the new Russian Arctic capable VTOL UAV.

Russia has also unveiled a Predator equivalent, the Orion-Eh.

The Russians are going to start developing a radar equipped VTOL drone for artillery recon.

Russia's Radar MMS details its VTOL effort.

Russia may have a stealthy UCAV called the Hunter-B under development.

Russia's SAT design bureau, the one developing the SR-10 forward swept trainer, has conceived a derivative called the AR-10, a air-to-air and strike UCAV.

The Russians are working on AI-like avionics for their new drones.

South Korea has started production of new radars to detect North Korea's drones.

South Korea's tilt rotor TR-60 UAV has conducted flights from ships.

Turkey's Anka UCAV has made its first airstrikes.

The Anka also had a forced landing.

Bolos and Ogres (Unmanned Ground Vehicles):

China appears to be developing a prototype unmanned logistics truck.

Ukraine's Infocom has developed another armed unmanned ground combat vehicle.

Robo Subs (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles):

DARPA has awarded BAe a phase one contract for small UUVs to hunt enemy subs.


Robots should not be programmed to autonomously kill.

Robots might one day refuel US Army helicopters.

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