Saturday, May 04, 2019

Robopocalypse #115


Alta Devices new solar drone could be a step towards flying cell phone towers.

Amazon received a patent for a drone that can turn into a blimp and back so it can reduce its noise on approach to a house for a delivery.

Austalian company Titomic unveiled the world's largest 3d printed drone, 1.8m in dia.

Drones may go hypersonic.

A drone helped botanists find a flower thought extinct in Hawaii.

A drone delivered an kidney organ transplant for a real patient for the first time in the US.

Farming drones!

Google got the green light to start drone based deliveries in Australia.

Google also is getting the green light for deliveries in the USA from the FAA.

Phoenix is a new blimp-drone.

Purdue researchers have taken inspiration from insects to develop a system to allow drones to adapt to windy conditions.

The Rega rescue drone can autonomously search for missing persons.

Russia's Rostec is testing drones for power line inspections.

UPS is moving medical supplies around North Carolina using drones.

The US Senate is urging the FAA to finish the remote drone ID regulations.

Self Driving Cars:

Are we there yet (with self driving cars)?

Half of Americans think self driving cars are more dangerous than people are.

Apple is seeking new sensors for its self driving car project.

Audi has a self driving car concept, the AI:ME.

California is moving forward to allow self driving delivery vehicles.

Daimler Trucks is taking a majority stake in self driving truck company Torc Robotics.

Ford has decided self driving cars are still a long ways off.

Ford, GM and Toyota are working to set standards for self driving car safety.

Kia has their HabaNiro concept self driving EV car.

Tesla has a long history making promises about self driving and breaking them.

Tesla's latest Autopilot update allows the car to change lanes autonomously.

Researchers have been able to trick Autopilot into driving into oncoming traffic.

Tesla's Autopilot classifies most other cars as minivans.

What would a true self driving Tesla be like?

Tesla is claiming it will launch a self driving taxi business in 2020.  However, the fleet operators of Teslas are having a serious problem keeping the vehicles running.

Watch a Tesla Model 3 do its first fully autonomous drive on public roads.

Tesla is promising an aggressive driving mode for Autopilot that could cause a fender bender.  Bet that doesn't last long.

The chip that will supposedly make Teslas completely self driving is only halfway done.

Uber's self driving car division now has its own CEO and received a $1B investment.

VW will test its self driving cars in Hamburg and will use China as a center of self driving tech development.

Waymo is repurposing a Detroit factory to make self driving cars.

Wayve's self driving car is supposedly able to drive unfamiliar roads with 20 hours of training.

3d Printing:

Mitsubishi is commercializing a new 3d metal printer.

Shipboard 3d printing is expanding.

There is a paper examining 3d printed latices for biological and structural aspects.

3d printing can help create soft robotics.

Researchers have 3d printed the first heart specifically for a patient.

A new 2d stacking method for 3d printing has promise for printing organs.

A new method of inspecting 3d printed parts by encasing them in ice has emerged.


Amazon has stated robots will not completely replace its warehouse workers for at least ten years.

Anki, the home robotics company, is closing its doors.

Meet UC Berkeley's Blue.

Estimating the strength of the Boston Dynamics' Spot robots as they pull a truck.

A new robotic catheter designed by Boston Children's Hospital helped heal a pig's heart.

Boston Dynamics bought 3d vision company Kinema.

What's the real meaning of Boston Dynamics' Handle robot?

The construction industry needs a robot revolution.

Harvard's Romu robot autonomously builds walls by driving piles into the ground.

Harvard has also developed a kirigani robot inspired by snakes.

The Narwal cleaning robot can can vacuum, mop and change its own water.

A robot figured out how to use tools based on experimental data and observing people.

There is a plan to use robots to implant embryos in white rhinos to save the species.

A new algorithm could allow robots to make sushi.

A Baxter Robot can sort recyclable materials based on touch.

Exercising hydrogel can make it behave like a muscle.

Robots may not be the solution to the last mile problem.

A new robot news presenter on Russian TV has caused a stir.

A robot helped explore how birds/dinosaurs took to the air.

Starship's robocouriers have conducted over 50,000 deliveries now.

Swagbot's autonomous agrobot goes on sale in 2020.

The Thorvald agrobot is designed to hunt weeds.

Two robots were designed for the ISS.


CRISPR was used to create a "dual core" CPU inside of human cells.

A new brain implant can synthesize speech from thoughts..

Brain machine interfaces could have enormous potential.

Software Bots:

Don't let industry write the rules and regulations for AI.

AI is on the cusp of a diversity disaster.

Apple poached Ian Goodfellow from Google.

Bumble is using software bots to block potentially unwanted nude pictures.

Facebook is using software bots to map the population density of the world and especially maps out Africa.

Facebook has made a creepy AI able to take photographs and make them into characters in games.

Facebook's software bots completely missed blocking the Christchurch live streaming of the shootings.  They are having issues.

Google has cancelled an AI ethics board due to outcry and then disbanded another AI advisory board.

Google tried to have software bots produce better software bots.

Google has created a poetry writing bot.

Google's CallJoy attempts to be a receptionist.

Governments should embrace software bots to improve services.

IBM is halting the Watson variant designed for drug discovery due to low sales.

Lyft has hired an exGoogler for its AI work.

Mozilla highlights software bot biases and addiction by design.

OpenAI's bots defeated a top ranked DOTA 2 esports team again.

OpenAI wants to make super powerful AI.

A software bot has been examining Saturn.

A software bot has been designed to select embryos for IVF.

Software bots are learning to make pesto more delicious.

Software bots are being used to assess responses to brain tumor treatments.

Software bots are being used to better explain the dynamics of cell development.

Software bots may be the future of music lessons.

Software bots are being used to measure roots.

Software bots are being used to accurately assess the lifespan of batteries.

Software bots are being used for earth observation and weather prediction.

LA, San Joaquin and San Diego counties are using a software bot to clear marijuana charges.

How do we keep AI friendly to people and prevent it from outsmarting us?

Software bots evaluate and score the potential for readmission of a patient based on clinical notes.

A software bot can single out neurons faster than people can.

Software bots can help fight human trafficking.

A software bot created a new game, Speedgate, based on analyzing multiple field sports.

Software bots can analyze tweets to map flooding in Europe.

Software bots might make future job applications a nightmare.

A new software bot generates a not stop stream of death metal.

Software bots may be able to ID PTSD based on voice analysis.

Software bots are being used to update old games' graphics.

Softare bots might be able to predict death, but what if they are biased?

Software bots might be used in fertility testing for women.

A software bot has been created to super stimulate monkeys' brains.

The robopocalypse comes for the Dad Joke.

Vaak's antitheft system is driven by a software bot and pretty effective.


Walmart is rolling out its own automated store like Amazon's Go.

Is the robopocalypse coming for organic chemistry?


Some metas are yikes, but must be shared.

Europe has started piloting AI ethics rules.

Is the techno-serf outcome the likely one for the robopocalypse?

Will AI enhance or hack humanity?

Are we sacrificing too much for automation?

Is tech downgrading people?

Bots will only take the boring parts of your job.

Junior AI researchers are in high demand by universities.

The growth in AI is a huge boon for transdisciplinary researchers.

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