Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Back to the Grind

My wife is mostly better. She's not feeling well, but the fever has broken and we've beaten back the drips. We spent a good chuk of yesterday at the hospital checking on Aurora. The Dr misunderstood us when she was kicking less when Lyuda came down with the flu. Normally, Aurora kicks - at the minimum - of once a minute. When Lyuda got the flu, Aurora kicked once every few minutes. The Dr got upset with us saying that we should have gone to Labor & Delivery immediately. We called in rather than showed up and L&D told us take lots of fluids and Tylenol for the fever. The fever never went close to the temperature that they worry about (101.4) and Aurora was kicking over double their worry rate (5 kicks per hour). It's just a lot less than her normal routine. After the check and pokes and prods, four hours worth, they pronounced her fine and sent us home. Lyuda and I were a little irritated: the doctors kept trying to think too much about what we were saying rather than just listening. We're articulate people. I understand that not everyone conveys what they're feeling properly. Oh well.

Anyways, after the pokes, prods, and ultrasound, Aurora started kicking and moving like a demon. She REALLY didn't having the ultrasound or the microphones attached to my wife's stomach. She kept it up for hours afterwards. She was kicking hard enough it hurt my wife!

Anyways, back to The Grind today. I really need to get that paper moving forward again. It's about a 1/4 done. The deployment plan was done on Friday. So I don't need to worry about that.

I have thoughts on NASA, etc., but that will have to wait for another time.

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