Sunday, February 06, 2005

My Wife is Sick

She's not doing so well at the moment. I think she just has a cold that is being exasperated by pregnancy. It kept her - and me - up most of the night. I am planning on taking her to the doctor tomorrow if this doesn't clear up. I'm worried about her. I really, really love her and worry about our daughter t'boot. She seems to be getting better though. Right now she is sleeping while I clean and do dishes, etc. I put on Beethoven's 6th to help soothe her (it worked! Amazing!) and cover the sounds of cleaning in the apartment.

Speaking apartments, we didn't get the one we wanted. Alas. We are have clinched one of two others: its our choice which. One has a view of the SF Bay. It's not bad. We were going to sign for this one on Sat, but when we went in to look at it a lot of things that were supposed to be fixed were not. I'm less than pleased. The agent was REALLY less than pleased. She told us to hold our money and she'll see about getting it fixed. We looked at another one without the view but south facing. It has less that needs to be remedied. We've switched our preference. We have the cashier's checks in hand. The agent is salivating. She's just trying to dodge around to get what we want. I'm really not happy though with how this has played out. grr.

The phytoremediation book is progressing. A lot less notes. I have the chemist in this project working up a projection on the cost for the necessary environmental lab. She's supposed to have something on monday. I need to talk again to the biologist involved. I think this will fly and pretty well. I just need to get myself educated enough to play conductor, but not be the one of instrumentalists.

Anyways, back to cleaning.

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