Friday, February 04, 2005

Just a little too much today

We just moved my office contents from Berkeley to Oakland. The old building was considered unsafe because of the Hayward Fault. They built that building at LBL during the 1980s and it met the codes then. The codes have changed and are more strict based on the big earthquake in 1989. They found that the building I was in would collapse catastrophicly and prolly killing most of those inside. So! I lost my office with a window as they tear down that building. Now I have one in Oakland only. Effectively, I had one in each place, but officially only in Berkeley. No more.

They trashed a machine in the move. I am getting a new computer out of that. They damaged an LCD. New one there too. I was also too late to prevent them from packing the charcoal and pencil drawings that my wife did for me. The one based on a Kamakura period painting is smudged. grrr. They also broke a frame with my wife's picture in it. *sighs*

I am supposed to make three different calls today for making appointments and such. One is about the car. One is about the new apartment. One is about a trip to the dentist. Bah.

I have had zilch goof off time and I need a night. I've been cleaning or working or cooking or helping Lyuda with her homework. She's taking another triple of english classes. She wants to finish cleaning up her english because she has an accent and fix her grammar. Her spoken English and reading ability outstrips her written at this point. She wants to get a University degree from here in the States and wants to ace everything and to do that...;)

We took a tour of Kaiser's Labor and Delivery Department. Lyuda and I both almost cried. I've wanted to be a dad for a loooong time, but wondered if it'd ever happen after teh flaming wreckage of my first marriage and some very horrible things that happened afterwards. Lyuda is a little scared, but touched as mucha s I am too. We're excited, terrified and happy all at once.

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