Monday, April 04, 2005

Back to Work

Today is my first day at work since Avrora was born.

Wee! Actually, I think I'd enjoy being at home with the kidlet and mom more than this.

I am getting caught up on everything. We'll see where we go. I'm glad I was gone for the last month. It revealed a lot of stress that I had. That helepd with the attitude I had been developing too.

On a different note, let me say that I have been enjoying the new Battlestar Galactica. Mostly. It seems a little oversexed at times, but its come down a lot. Also its a little frustrating because the first season just asked questions. There was absolutely no emotional pay off with some sort of tying up of any of the character threads posed this season. Zilch. Would have been nice if just *ONE* had been really...

Philopolis. I am starting to contemplate what that means to Machiavelli. It should be interesting to spin it out. I have to resolve the Kunikos-Mach debates and the roll that Oriestes is playing. She's more important after the debates than during. I know the general parts of where I want to go with Machiavelli in Morea. It's just that I need the time and the thought that writing pseudoMachiavelli requires...and with a new baby...ergh.

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