Thursday, April 07, 2005


I have found two lots that I need to talk my wife into going to check out this weekend. They are land, obviously. I have been bent on building a house for some time. One of them is in Marin County. It's set in redwoods and abuts a seasonal creek. The other is in Alameda County and is 20 acres in size. Marin is where I really want to be at though. I guess I grew up in areas with a lot less population density and I have grown to miss it. A lot. I rather like the redwood forests which is something we didn't have back in NM.

Baby Baird was up almost all night. I need to get my wife to crash and relax more so she can sleep. Heck, I need more sleep right now. Caffeine is not the way to go LT.

I have started working out again. I am badly out of shape in comparative terms. I can't believe how quick I put back on the weight I worked so hard to get rid of. Ah well, back to it, eh?

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