Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Duct Tape, Please?

There are some people in politics, often in very important positions, that really, truly do more damage than good. How? Their mouths. They simply spit out extremely stupid comments that actually do more damage to their cause than help. Unfortunately, right now in US politics, it seems that both sides are spewing self-detrimental nonsense.

In the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld is someone that the liberal application of duct tape would immensely help the US in foreign policy. His idiotic comments that piss off Europe right and left, frex, did more to damage to US making its case of going in and rooting out Saddam than anything else that was done. He kept pissing me off during the run up to the war and since with his idiotic comments. This isn't news really anymore. Gin Rummy fracking idiot.

Right now, Howard Dean is doing the same thing again and again for the Democratic Party. He's decided that he is the one to energize the Democrats into being able to retake the White House and Congress. Unfortunately, he's off pissing off a good portion of this country by smacking Republicans claiming their a monolithic and inflexible party. In some ways true - the conservative, Christian wing has a stranglehold (for now) on some portions of the agenda - but if you're going to recapture the White House you have to court the moderates of the GOP. However, Dean's effectively threatening to do the same stranglehold on his own party but with the very liberal wing rather than the conservative christians.

Dean's motormouth even has other Democrats running for cover.

Thank all taht's good and light in the world that he blew his chance at getting into the White House. Even so, could someone pass the duct tape, please? I don't want another *Bush in the head office.

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