Tuesday, June 07, 2005

LANL Whistleblower Beaten

Los Alamos National Lab was somewhere I enjoyed working at. I worked there my senior year of high school and loved it. I lived in Los Alamos for 8 years (+/-). My father still works there and old friends still work there. I work at a sister lab for Los Alamos (Berkeley). I support UC and think that UC should keep the contract for LANL:the environment there is far, far better than the Labs run by blodd sucking defense contractors. That said...

The beating of the whistleblower has made me sick. WTF were the people thinking that did it? Tommy Hooks, whatever I may think of his whole situation prior to this, would not stop talking short of his death. So trying to beat him up - badly - just prior to his congressional testamony is amazingly stupid. If anything that lends more credance that he was onto something...

The thing is that some of this incident just doesn't make too much sense. There's a blog of LANL employees and there are some interesting and shocking accusations being tossed around. One of the most interesting is that Tommy Hooks' wife was out of town while he was at the stripper bar where he was consequently beaten.

Additionally, POGO has a pretty bad rep at LANL and that's Tommy's biggest backers in a lot of this ... mess.

IDK what to think. The beating of a whistleblower is not the Los Alamos I know and love. It's not the one I went back and visited. Even if I think that he's more full of hot air than not (the Mustang was attempted to be bought on a stolen credit card # and the total amount of dinero missing dropped to less than .01%, iirc), I sure as hell hope that they catch the SOBs that did this...whatever the real scenario that lead up to the beating might have been.

Sorry this is so late in the day. Denistry is an evil and time consuming hobby it seems. Esp if you're correcting Ukrainian dentists work. grr.

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