Razib has a reaction to some of the reactions to his post about 'hot chicks' and science fiction. The dogpile on Razib is a bit harsher than it ought to be. I was going to post a 'reply' to his original post, but thought better of it. I wish I had now. I originally wanted to snark that he's been missing out. There are plenty of 'hot chicks' that love SF. There are plenty of hot chicks interested in science. He's just been missing out. I got double plus lucky and caught one. She's only been recently turned onto science fiction - she's pretty interested in Stephenson, but only in some of his concepts - and has had a love of science for a long time, but in her native culture was discouraged from pursuing it. Having me as a spouse, many of you can guess whether or not I am discouraging it. lol.
The thing is that I have met a number of hot chicks over the years that are science and SFnally oriented. They were all taken and disinterested, but Amy the redheaded entomologist, that stunning blonde opitcal astronomer, the leather clad chemist, the tres cute programmer from the NMSU CS department, and several others have long underscored the hot chix are not just different now, but even as far back as my whole previous dating life.
On the other hand, Razib was blitz-schpanked for his overly honest commentary about liking hot chicks. Men have been traditionally villified for being overly attracted to the 'beautiful' and 'hot' among women. Almost anyone who has been in the dating swimming pool recently can attest this is not merely a problem that women are facing. Men are now being judged with the meter stick these days. If you're not hot , pretty boy with a flashing neon sign, you're mostly SOL dating. Women have become just as shallow - if ever they were not - as men are.
But wait! You think, you, Will, caught a hotchick and you're not a pretty boy (*mumbled*or even close).

I was just plain damned lucky that I met my wife. She is uberhot with flaming contrails. She has wonderful personality and brain that I admire a great deal: she has a bachelor's in accounting from her home country already and is now seeking a double bachelor's in biology and business management. The big catch was that my wife hates pretty boys. This is partially a cultural artifact. It's also her own personal observation that men that are as pretty as women tend to have other attributes that are akin to women: her thoughts, not mine; I just curse that pretty boys. However, women as a rule of thumb among the young prefer them these days! This may change. It may not. I cannot say. I am not overly worried about it: I've pulled my meager cards from the table and walked away with my winnings and folks, I got the jackpot!
So, my point, which may have been lost a bit in this post, is that gang beating Razib for prefering hot women is so stupid and hypocritical that it's beyond inane. Yeah, perhaps Razib needs to meet more brilliant, beautiful women. Instead of beating on him and ranting in a semi-racist manner, perhaps it might have been better to have said, "It's about time you noticed, bub."
But wait! You think, you, Will, caught a hotchick and you're not a pretty boy (*mumbled*or even close).

I was just plain damned lucky that I met my wife. She is uberhot with flaming contrails. She has wonderful personality and brain that I admire a great deal: she has a bachelor's in accounting from her home country already and is now seeking a double bachelor's in biology and business management. The big catch was that my wife hates pretty boys. This is partially a cultural artifact. It's also her own personal observation that men that are as pretty as women tend to have other attributes that are akin to women: her thoughts, not mine; I just curse that pretty boys. However, women as a rule of thumb among the young prefer them these days! This may change. It may not. I cannot say. I am not overly worried about it: I've pulled my meager cards from the table and walked away with my winnings and folks, I got the jackpot!
So, my point, which may have been lost a bit in this post, is that gang beating Razib for prefering hot women is so stupid and hypocritical that it's beyond inane. Yeah, perhaps Razib needs to meet more brilliant, beautiful women. Instead of beating on him and ranting in a semi-racist manner, perhaps it might have been better to have said, "It's about time you noticed, bub."
i am with a hot brilliant woman, thank you very much :) but she hates SF. but i think i'll keep her anyway.
Touche, razib, touche. :D
So where's the pix, dude?
My wife had a very strong distaste for anything sf for a long time. She's come around. Takes finding the right author. I worry abit about her finding _Snow Crash_ in my large-ish library because of the adolescent attitudes towards women in it though. lol.
So where's the pix, dude?
i'm muslim. for mine eyes only beeyatch!
i'm muslim. for mine eyes only beeyatch!
greedy bastid.
There are plenty of winning, stunning, or just plain hott women in the sciences.
But 'hot chicks' who love SF... um. Science fiction fandom is notoriously homely. I mean, absurdly so. Both sexes. It is actually possible to 'spot the fen' at an airport. There is a phenotype. It's freaky, and not in the good way.
That being said, I used to date a cam girl whose nom de Web was taken from a Heinlein novel. And of course Doug met Claudia through the Bujold mailing list. But, exceptions.
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