Thursday, May 31, 2007

OOOOOOOOOOOOH So Wrong On So Many Levels!

This is a friend from NM. One of my old gaming buddies. Shane went by codejoy and other names. This is just freakin me out a tad. Wow. The frakkin scary aspect: WTF is he doing in NEW JERSEY.

UPDATE: Oh and he has a blog.


  1. Ha ha comments on this? I am upset...distraught even. Dude what was I doing in NJ? There for work, you know fighting terrorism one line of computer code at a time...

    I hope at the very least I provided for some laughs.

  2. Hey fanboy.

    I was tempted to ask Ross for a recording of his laugh just for you, but decided that would be cruelty to animals. ;)

    A bit more seriously, the video was pretty well done. You've got a knack for video/photo editing/taking something that I definitely don't have. You've got a very cute daughter too.

    Hope life's treating you well these days.

  3. Ha ha you remember the laugh! Yes the video is done without any camcorder, it was a webcam and boredom whilst TDY in New Jersey. Your family is quite lovely as well, looks like things are going great. I was glad to bump into Jason today and get this blog address...

  4. Who can forget that laugh?!

    We really ought to round everyone up and just see how everyone is doing these days. Ross was applying for google (and I think he got it) when I last talked to him last spring. Joel does work there. Jeb married and has a son. Jason just became a parent as you know I am sure. Jeromy has two little dogs (check out the link to his wife's blog: Blondage). Jared was in Albuquerque and came for a couple visits while he had training in the Bay Area, but suddenly went silent: IDK why. He and his wife have a daughter and were talking about another when we got the No Route To Host message, so to speak.

    It's damned kewl that you got your gaming company working well enough to go to E3.

  5. I agree, we need a kenny's avenger blog , to this day my handle on XBOX LIve and the like has [KA] After it. Thanks for the props to the game company, it was a fun ride. Going to check out blondage right now, we should get everyone together to uh "check-in" :)

  6. It was a fun ride? Is the company effectively dead then? How much graphics coding are you doing these days for fun?

    I'm considering a career change or job change at least in a year or so. The HPC Beast ahs been fun, but I'm getting that itch if you know what I mean...

  7. ya once everyone found out how much hard work it was to get a game published they bailed more or less. Pffbbbtt I say...its still there and we have a reputation with the game company name but I haven't done much coding lately, I have sorta went in the path of photography (who'd of thunk), and been really doing fun things with that....

    And yes the itch for something new, I know whatcha mean.

  8. Of course its a lot of work! Sheesh! ANY serious coding project is.

    I think there's a post blog/usenet niche that needs to be filled. Blogs are nice, but they're not as good for conversations as much as they are for their bully pulpit capabilities. Also tehy need to be able to mix in newer bits such as videos, presentations, etc. in a threaded conversational format.

    I also want to do a game. lol. Always have. Jared and I spent a long time and alot of effort to lay the background work for ut...just petered out when he disappeared.
