Thursday, May 31, 2007


This week has been really messy with Lyuda been gone. I hope she's having fun. With a cost of $7/minute for calling her, we're foregoing it until she's within shore range again of the States. Right now my daughter is sleeping. I ought to be writing, but can't seem to get the enthusiasm up for it right now. Instead I am watching a movie that I loved as a kid: THEM!

It's a lot of fun. I didn't know New Mexico at all when I loved it back as a kid: we still lived in SoCal outside Santa Barbara. However, I obviously became familiar with it later. The first part of the movie is supposed to be set in NM: just outside White Sands, actually. It was obviously not filmed there. It looks, *gasp*shock*horror*surprise*, like the Mojave here in Cali. Must be that whole thing about why Sherwood Forest looked strangely like California in the 1930s...;)

Anyways, the few snippets of Los Angeles are interesting too. Talk about a very different city than what's there now. Very different attitude towards the military - and authority! - to say the least.

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