As someone that is married to someone of the Russophonic world and works with file systems, I have little sympathy. His behavior with the people that were trying to save is uber arrogant rumpus maximus was atrocious at best. Stupid t'boot.
Actually it's just as likely she's alive and well in Russia. We'll probably never know.
I would say that there's only a 10% chance of that. It's only greater than 0 because I've encountered Hans esque people so many times in my line of work and his arrogant asshole lack->clue is so fscking common.
My daughter's a 'spergie. They can certainly irritating to be around, and sometimes infuriating. Being infuriating doesn't equate to murder, despite what any idiot jurist or juror prefers to believe.
10% is a reasonable doubt. That's not even counting the chance that one of the other suspects (yes, plural) killed her and framed him. Prosecutors and police are rarely interested in pursuing frame-ups; one conviction is as good as another.
I presume that your daughter has been diagnosed? That's something that could have been done - should have been done! - by the defense...if it were possible. The defense claimed he had the Aspergers, but never offered up any real proof, the family friend danced around saying Hans had it. If they had gotten him diagnosed then they could have used that as part of the defense and been believable...yet they didn't. And there are a lot of twits out there now that are using Asp as an excuse to be full on jerks. That made their claim - without clinical backing even weaker.
The only reason that I say 10% is based on information not presented at trial. Keep in mind that the info at trial is not what we have out here and the jury cannot consider the outside info. Based on what both sides presented, Nina is toast. DuBois didn't give any information that would suggest she's alive somewhere else. He also didn't give any evidence really that suggested someone else did it. A throw away line about Sturgeon doesn't really count: drag that guy(?)'s carcass in there to testify...yet he didn't.
Even so, Hans probably would have been fine if the turkey hadn't insisted on testifying. He might be a 'spergie, but he's also bright and ought to recognize when the specialist would know better than the nonspecialist. After all, he's used that argument before himself. His nonanswers erased reasonable doubt.
There is no definitive diagnosis for Asperger's. In any case, it is not a defense. Having Asperger's doesn't make you unable to stop yourself from killing (and thus incapable of actual murder); it does leave you unable to understand why someone else would want to murder you, or (more to the point) frame you for murder.
The main reason to mention it here is that having Asperger's makes it practically impossible to present a credible defense on other grounds, e.g. a frame-up, or the supposed victim might not really be dead at all. It doesn't matter what you say, the judge and jury just hate you and everything about you.
So, if there were such a thing as a definitive diagnosis, e.g. an MRI scan showing a very small mirror neuron complex, it might at best be grounds for declaring a mistrial. First you'd have to find a judge who doesn't instinctively hate you on sight.
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