Monday, July 01, 2013

Bad News...and Blog Hiatus

The blog will be neglected over the coming week.  Tomorrow night, I am leaving with my kids to go see my father.  Normally, this would be a good thing.  Fun even.  Family, New Mexico, AWESOME!

Unfortunately, my father's cancer has metastasized into his liver and has been pronounced terminal.  He has months to live.  We are going to see him at least one more time.  

On a personal level, this is a bit of a shock: men in the family normally live very long lives and I'd expected my father to make it for at least another couple decades.  My paternal grandfather is deceased only five years ago and he had a very 'ought to have killed him a long time ago' life.  My father had something of that, but ... chance does play a part.

Yes, I will make sure a multi generational pic is taken and probably posted: William Baird, William Patrick Baird and William Orest Baird. 

The blogging will be light today and tomorrow.  Wednesday through Monday it will be on hiatus.

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