Friday, June 13, 2014

Ukraine: Moving From Hyperbolic to the Hypergolic Patterns

Today seems to be living up to its numerological nastiness!

First off, an Il-76 full of Ukrainian paratroopers was shot down.  At least 30 soldiers are dead/
Moscow admits it has been supplying the LGM in the east.  Supposedly 'humanitarian needs' but those tanks didn't roll across the border from the Russian equivalent of Walmart.  This is Russia 2014, not Russia 1994, after all.
The Russians have accused the Ukrainian military of crossing the border.

The Ukrainians claim a Russian Mi-35 attack helicopter crossed the border into Ukraine escorting a convoy of LGM.

There are clashes at the Lugansk airport.

Denis Pushilin (head of Donetsk People's Republic) is in Moscow for a fund raiser and meeting with Zhirinovsky. 

An explosion in a mine has trapped miners in the Donbass.  Talk about bad timing.  Getting help is going to be a bear.

Russia has stated the gas talks are at an impass and they are going to cut off the gas.

A number of the Ukrainian officials from the Yanukovich administration are  trying to get the sanctions against them removed by european courts.  Get this!  They are claiming they are RUSSIAN citizens.  o.O

From what I gather, the OSCE has lost more teams in the Donbass.  WTF are they doing?!

The tanks which moved into Ukraine are T-64s, rather than T-72s.

Today demonstrated what great guys the LGM are, the self declared mayor of Slavyansk - Ponomaryov - has been "fired:" he raped a woman while under a the influence of drugs and has been missing because he has been recovering from a drug overdose.

The Ukrainians, on the plus side, retook Mariupol.  Again.  Or so it sounds from the various sources. I have to wonder at times how many times they will retake it.  Note the video above is the LGM fighting.

While the fighting continued, Poroshenko offered to negotiate with the rebels.  Pushilin offered to negotiate, too, but only if Russia mediated the talks and the Donbass was declared independent of Ukraine.  So, worse than dead end. 

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