Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ukraine: The Patterns of Bonfire Before Explosion?

Today was not a good day for Ukraine.

The first tank reported in Snizhne.

all three later.

In Gorlovka: AA Guns or artillery?

LGM APCs in the Donbass

The LGM drove a convoy of tanks and APCs from Russia into Snizhne and later up to Gorlovka. It was a rapid drive and makes you wonder how many were brought across. Only three as been reported? or a lot more? Are these T-72s as has been reported (mostly) or T-64s? T-72s are still used by the Russian army.  Three tanks are a platoon under the Russian organization.  If the APCs and tanks are only the ones seen, we could have a significantly larger force running around.  Their positioning in Gorlovka would indicate its an attempt at a breakthrough to Slavyansk.

Note: the tanks rolled in from the area where there was a massive battle between the Ukrainian border guards and the LGM.  The LGM backed off, but the border guards retreated.

The question now is: who is driving the tanks?  The rebels?  The Russian army?  

On the rumor side, some of the 'warbloggers' which toured eastern ukraine have reported there is a core cadre of around 600 russian army troops which the others are being trained by.  The rest are either foreign fighters along the lines the US fought in Iraq (though slavic and other eastern european mostly) or some small number of local levees.

On the odd side, the rebels or LGM are increasing their in fighting bombs are going off in each others' vehicles.  It could be these are attempted assassinations by Kiev, but...the manner they are done is more consistent with infighting between the various factions in the Donbass.

Russia has stated unless they get a payment or an agreement by monday, they will be cutting off the gas.

The Ukrainians need to engage and destroy the tanks before the LGM can use them effectively.  If there is only a platoon, a company of Ukrainian tanks ought to be sufficient or even a few Hinds.   A breakthrough to Slavyansk will be a serious problem.  These tanks represent a potentially huge increase in firepower by the LGM and with the problems the Ukrainian army has been having with 'light infantry' a huge worry. 

Perhaps we ought to lease the soon to be retired A-10s to Blackwater's successor and get them hired by the Ukrainians. 

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