Thursday, February 17, 2005


Ok. The wife and I have been sick. Really sick. Actually, I have been more sick than my wife has been since last Friday. She has been better since Saturday. Where as I have had no chance to relax or sleep and its been killing me: as soon as I get mostly better, I have to do something in the cold, wet and without enough sleep. I get worse again. :S

She did have something not so fun happen to her though. Last Thursday night/Friday morning, we had to rush to Labor and Delivery. We were there for 6 hours. What happened? My wife is having contractions. They're periodic. They're not very strong though. They're constant though. The Dr's didn't know what to do. Aurora seemed to be happy as a clam. So, in the end, they sent us home.

We're also moving! Cheaper apt. We were living in my bachelor pad and since we're about to have a baby saving dinero might be advisable. So we're in the process of moving. We're about 40% done. We'll get the rest in a bit. We're getting help tomorrow.

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