Wednesday, February 23, 2005


My wife and I have moved. We're out of the old place and in the new one. The new place isn't as much of a tight fit as I was worried about. The primary things left to take care of are the book shelves (finding homes for them) and settling all my books into them. Beyond that, there's not a lot. I only have to sort out the DSL line.

We have her car!!! FINALLY! There's a tad bit of paperwork to be done, but none too big. In general, alles ist kosher. She loves it which was the point. We're taking her out for test driving this weekend. She can drive, but she's nervous in the area. The SF Bay area is far more scary a place to drive than NM or her native Ukraine to her. I'll see about a pict at some point, but its a lil red PT Cruiser (her choice). I'm far more a Jeep kinda guy and I kept my old one, but we needed something baby compatible.

We had another run to Labor and Delivery. Aurora wasn't kicking as much as she normally does. Nothing wrong as far as the Doc's see. We worried over nothing. She was in a sleep cycle. Given how tired we've been this shouldn't have been a surprise. Based on their lil meter that they hooked Lyuda up to, Aurora was kicking just fine. Lyuda just wasn't feeling as much.

I'm still sick. Along with the move, I just haven't been up to reading or doing much. I've kept up with the new Battlestar Galactica. I really like it. I think the sex could be toned back considerably without any loss for the show's quality, but other than that, it's a damned good show. It definitely has the zeitgeist of a near genocide of humanity down pat.

We have an interview with INS (or whatever they're called these days) on March 3rd. This is a biggie. I'm not too worried. I just have to supply them with all the same things that we've supplied them with several times now. *sighs*

I'm still reading the phytoremediation book. It's long. It's chemistry. I don't like chemistry. Never have. Never will. I'm more for a physics and computers kinda guy. That doesn't mean I don't follow it. It doesn't mean that it's terribly difficult. I just don't enjoy it. I'm slogging my way through though.

Next months reading list looks to be a little short: A book on the American Hegemony, an AI coder's book for games, and a book on interstellar exploration. We have to replace our digital camera and buy baby stuff so that eats into the book budget a bit.

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