Saturday, March 26, 2005

Oy! What a bit of catching up to do!

Well, first off, sorry for not posting for so long. I've been rather busy with Baby Baird. Actually, I'm pretty darn tired as it is. Baby and Mom are down for a nap. Last night was the hardest so far. I'm sure that there will be harder, but in general she's a VERY happy baby.

First off, clearing up the name. Avrora Devika Baird was born on Feb 28th, 2005 at 8:17 am after an 8 hour labor and 20-30 minute delivery. She was 5 lbs 10 oz and 18.5 inches long. My wife moaned through the first 4 hours of labor saying that she wasn't built or meant to have babies. After the speed of having her first baby (labor and delivery here, folks), the Dr's and nurses came to me afterwards and told me to get my wife to the hospital ASAP next time cuz the baby was going to be coming uber quick.

How did she end up Avrora instead of of Aurora like I thought we were doing? Well, my wife pronounces it that way with her Donbass Ukrainian accent. She snuck it on to her birth certificate when I wasn't at the hospital. I caved. I've learned when to pick my battles. I just tell everyone that its the Latin spelling...which seems to confuse some Hispanics for a moment. How did we pick Avrora? Well, actually it was on my list originally of favorite names. However, my wife hated everything on my list when we compiled our mutual lists. She had one of her own...which she ended up hating too. She started hunting through literature for names. She remembered a favorite author (George Sand) was a woman and wanted to know her real name. One of them was Aurore. We discussed it. My wife liked it. We anglicized it. She then Ukrainianized (?!) it. Devika came about because it was really, really close to a nickname that Lyuda's mother had for her and her sister that came from the Russian word for little girl.

I just revealed to my wife that Aurora was on my original list that she rejected a day or so ago. She was stunned. Originally she was supposed to pick the first name and I was going to pick the middle name. Even though my wife technically picked the first one and I technically picked the middle name, it seems more like the opposite really ended up happening. *chuckles* A well...

Anyways, I've been off on paternity leave since the 28th. I'll be returning to work on the 4th. A lot of hairy stuff has happened in the project I was working on, but I'm actually glad to be standing aside at this point. The political nonsense just got too deep and I was going to end up lobbing a grenade at some point. My new, beautiful daughter has given me some perspective.

Tomorrow was her original date that she was supposed to be born. Had Avrora been born then, she'd have been a mongo baby on the order that my family runs to: I was the smallest baby at 8 lbs 6 oz. My brother was ~50% heavier. It's Easter tomorrow and I've done up some baskets already for my wife and daughter. I know I'll end up with Avrora's candy but it was fun to do our first Easter like this.

Anyways, I've started trying to get up at my old times (pushing back the alarm to 5:15 am again) and started exercising again as well. I've started reading the phytoremediation book again. I am planning on starting to read and right alternate history, sfnal stuff and ahf hud again. Time will tell how successful I am.

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