Thursday, March 31, 2005

A Moment of Praise for My Wife & Thoughts

Something that I've not done yet is to speak really well of my wife. Lyuda is an amazing woman and deserves a moment of praise here.

First off, she's an amazing mom. She's taken to being a mother for our new daughter like a duck to water...and this is her first child. Avrora couldn't be luckier! Lyuda never flips out. She never gets angry with our daughter. I've seen so many first time mommies go nuts at some time in that first month as they get used to having their passenger become a the new family backseat driver. That's not my wife. Even in moments that would have embarrassed my wife to no end before she had a baby - the 3 ft projectile feces aka the Poopizooka - do not phase her: it blew away and upset the lactation nurse, but not my wife. Whether its three am or the middle of the day or whenever, she's always there for Avrora even if it means disrupting our own plans. Even if it was something she wanted to do. My wife is trying for patron saint of newborns.

Let me also say that my wife is still the most stunningly beautiful woman I have ever met. Her gorgeous green eyes are set off wonderfully by her long black hair. Her high cheeks are simply amazing and totally unique. Her figure, while a bit abused by carrying a Baird child, is snapping back rather nicely as she breast feeds and starts exercising. She can kiss and make me see stars. I love her. I try my best to tell and show her, but sometimes I feel that I cannot even come close to what I feel in words. I love her. I love her like I have never loved before.

In other thoughts, my wife wants to go on a trip in May or June. A road trip or flying trip. Either we're going to roadtrip to LA and Las Vegas or we're going to fly to LV. I have a friend there that I have known for a decade now - since college - that really wants us to come. She wants to meet Lyuda and Avrora very much. Suzanne is great, but a little...different. She's a chemist and married, but sometimes doesn't know when to leave comments "in the box". She's one of those that I want to do the phytomining business with, her and a female friend (Sarah) that's a biologist.

Avrora still hasn't decided on her hair color. She has a balding man's fringe around the sides (think Patrick Stewart's hair here) and back of her head that's very dark like her mother's and atop her head is blonde like her father's. Everyone keeps telling me that all of this will fall out and her final hair color will be revealed then. FYI, mine didn't when I was a child. My mother says that is really unusual. It would be very unusual if Avrora was blonde: there are no blondes in my wife's family AFAWK ever. Both the dark and light hair on her head is growing longer so neither looks like baby fuzz.

Her eyes are changing color. They were a dark, dark blue like all babies. They're lightening and seem to be taking on a green color. That's not a surprise considering my wife has green eyes and I have blue-green ones.

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