Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Look Ma! No Steering Wheel! The Robopocalypse Gets Cute With Google's Latest Self Driving Car

You can read more here, here and (for past info) here.

I, personally, would love to have a single, electric self-driving car which I could tuck my daughter into to send her off to school in and have it pick her up.  It would seriously and significantly help me with the day as I 'superdad.'  My son is too young to drop off at daycare like that, but in a year or so it might work.  Others do not feel this is a good idea though.

On the other hand, this would be beyond awesome for getting to the airport: get up, hop in and have it drop me off...and then pick me up....and have it return home.  No need to wake everyone up for a red eye trip.

As this technology goes onto the roads and is proven safe, its going to devastate the taxi and trucking industries. 

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