Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ukraine: Patterns Strengthened

In the East, the Ukrainian army and security services have made significant progress.  They have started capturing important LGM personnel in Kramatorsk and pushed into Donetsk itself.  

Concerning though are the reports the border guards are basically besieged on the Russian border by groups of armed men passing into the country.  It might be this is an exaggeration or only localized rather than commonplace across the entire eastern border. 

The LGM have, in some cases, started sporting Russian military insignia. 

The LGM seem to be turning on the local populace even more than before.  Mortars and heavy machine guns have been reported opening fire on residential areas in Slavyansk and Donetsk. 

There was a report, which I think I missed reporting, that Ukrainian troops opened fire (a few days ago) on Russian helicopters which were probing from Crimea.  The shots were only in warning.

Unconfirmed also is the account of the Ukrainians having shot down a Russian drone.  There are some wild rumors about this UAV which I won't reproduce.  If true, at least that it was a Russian drone, that additionally complicates matters.  If the wild rumors are true...o.O  I have significant doubts though.

It appears Putin is pulling back some troops.  Albeit slowly.  My craaaazy thought which is almost 99.999% certainly wrong is Putin may have less control over his military than we'd like to think.  Perhaps he did, goes the nasty little voice in my head, order the troops back weeks ago.  And they did not follow it.  Its an extremely frightening thought and completely wrong.  I hope.

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