Monday, May 19, 2014

Evgenavis nobilis: A Confuciusornithiform Bird From Barremian/Aptian Cretaceous Siberia

A confuciusornithiform (Aves, Pygostylia)-like tarsometatarsus from the Early Cretaceous of Siberia and a discussion of the evolution of avian hind limb musculature


O'Connor et al


We describe a new isolated tarsometatarsus from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) Ilek Formation Shestakovo-3 locality in western Siberia. The new specimen represents a new taxon, Evgenavis nobilis, gen. et sp. nov., significantly increasing the Mesozoic avifauna from Russia. The specimen shares morphologies with a number of basal ornithothoracine taxa, but shows most similarity to the basal pygostylian Confuciusornis sanctus, the oldest known beaked bird and most common taxon from the Yixian Formation. Evgenavis may represent the first record of Confuciusornithiformes outside of the Jehol Group and its equivalent deposits. However, this is not supported by cladistic analysis, which weakly resolves the new species and Mystiornis both within the diverse Enantiornithes, indicating that additional material is required to assess the systematic position of Evgenavis nobilis (Aves incertae sedis). The three-dimensional preservation of the specimen allows for a partial reconstruction of the pedal musculature, revealing a primitive stage in the evolution of the neornithine condition.

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