Monday, October 05, 2015

Russia's Most Syrian Adventure #3

An Su-24 may have used a cluster bomb in Aleppo.  Or flares?  Speculation here.  Weird video above.

Another video shows Syrian rescue workers hit by an airstrike.  Supposedly it was a Russian double tap.

A Russian warplane violated Turkish airspace.

Russia is VERY against a no-fly zone in Syria.

Rumor level sources are stating the naval exercises in the eastern Mediterranean are practicing defending the Latakia air base.  Obviously from the great arab fleets threatening Byzantinium from the 7th century!

Are there Spetznaz in Syria?

The head of the Russian Defense Committee in the Russian Duma has stated its likely fighters from Ukraine will show up in the Syria army shortly.  Let's see if it happens.

Syrian rebel forces have vowed to hit the Russians directly.  There are rumors many are setting aside differences to fight the Russians.  I have doubts.

Small (?) update: Russian Su-30s harassed Turkish Air Force F-16s for a good 5 minutes, including getting missile lock.

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