From a BDay Party we went to this past weekend. The little boy above has declared he's going to marry my daughter. I, politely but solemnly, informed him he may play with my daughter until puberty, but then I'm getting out a shotgun. His mom thought it was hilarious. He just looked confused.
He actually IS a sweet kid though. When I picked Avrora up from preschool once, he solemnly walked up to me to tell me: "Please, Avrora's Dad, don't take her away from me."
hrmph. I never had these puppy love situations when I was a kid.
Poor Lyuda. I'm still sticking to my opinion that the miracle of pregnancy is surviving it.
He actually IS a sweet kid though. When I picked Avrora up from preschool once, he solemnly walked up to me to tell me: "Please, Avrora's Dad, don't take her away from me."
hrmph. I never had these puppy love situations when I was a kid.
Poor Lyuda. I'm still sticking to my opinion that the miracle of pregnancy is surviving it.
Are you sure that you never had such a crush? Embarrassment erases all memories, including the memory of being embarrassed.
Lovely family, sir. And congratulations again on the upcoming addition.
100% sure. I've been digging through the past a lot for comparisons to help raise Avrora. Didn't have it. That might make me a bit odd compared to others.
Once puberty hit WHAMO, I was soooo into girls. But before that, never had a crush like that at all.
Thank you for the crongratz and compliments.
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