Every time my daughter comes to work they issue her a one day only name tag and make her sign in. She's here often enough that a friend of mine at work decided to make
fake badges for her. They are patterned after our badges at work, but are emphatically and utterly NOT official. Right now, as we speak my daughter has one of these badges on (the top one). Since my coworker is learning Russian, enjoying it immensely, and knows that Avrora speaks some Russian, he made another one in Russian of her name and 'specialty.'
That's too funny. "Avrora" is an interesting and very pretty name, Will. What are its origins?
Avrora is the Russian variant of 'Aurora.' My wife (Lyuda) is a Russian speaking Ukrainian immigrant. She loves George Sand[1] and one of George Sand's real names was Aurore (french variant), so we picked that one. Aurora is also the Goddess of the Dawn from Roman mythology. Since Avrora is our first child, it seemed appropriate.
Avrora's middle name is 'Devika.' It comes from Indian mythology: the mother of Krishna, but that's not the reason we picked it. My mother-in-law used to call my wife and her sister something very close to that as it was a variant on the Russian word for 'cute little girl.' We thought it was a cute double tie in there.
Baird? Well, Avrora just got stuck with that one. It has quite the history here in the States though. We've been here a looooong time and we've been PITAs the whole of our existence. ;)
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Sand
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