Say hi to Suzhousaurus megatherioides. Y'know, I have to wonder if there wasn't a major revolution, ahem, ecological turnover and evolutionary innovation underway at the end of the Cretaceous. The ceratopsians were taking over in western NorAm. The therizinosaurs were having way too much fun. The sauropods were in 'retreat' in NorAm as well. Had the rock that wiped out the dinos not shown up, we might have seen an ecology by the end of the 'Paleocene-Eocene' that was radically different than anything before it.
Therizinosaurs are some of the weirdest dinosaurs EVER.
Hell yeah. I wish that paper were (a) free, and (b) in English. Sadly, neither is the case! But I love me some therizinosaurs. Julia's right--they're freaks!
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