Monday, May 12, 2014

Tyrannosaurus in West Texas During the Maastrichtian Cretaceous

New evidence for the possible occurrence of Tyrannosaurus in West Texas, and discussion of Maastrichtian tyrannosaurid dinosaurs from Big Bend National Park




Speculation regarding Tyrannosaurus in West Texas has been largely based upon a sub-adult tyrannosaurid maxilla from the Javelina Formation (Late Cretaceous–Maastrichtian) of Big Bend National Park. However, a very large anterior caudal vertebra, recently collected from the Javelina Formation, exhibits a morphology that can confidently be assigned to Tyrannosauridae and, because of its size, likely pertains to an adult Tyrannosaurus. The stratigraphic position of the specimen is closely bracketed by titanosaurid remains and further supports coexistence of these taxa. The stratigraphic position of the specimen possibly records one of the earliest occurrences of Tyrannosaurus. If so, Tyrannosaurus likely existed during roughly equivalent temporal intervals in disparate paleobiomes in both northern and southern late Maastrichtian faunal realms of North America.

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