Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ukraine: The Abyss Gapes

The Abyss awaits.

That's simply the best way to put it.

Mariupol has descended into chaos.  The police chief was captured and hung by the LGM.  There are battles between Ukrainian troops and the LGM.  Multiple city buildings have been burned.

There have been multiple attempts at breakouts from Slavyansk.  Both sides are urging residents to leave.  An assault is imminent. 

The Little Green Men, their levees and allies held the referendum in the Donbass and Lugansk.  The claim is that 89% of the ballots were in support of secession and joining Russia.  The claim was 75% of people participated.  The ballots were supposedly counted - 5 million potentially! - in one hour.  There were several cars caught by the Ukrainian police full of pre filled ballots.  There was a polling station set up in MOSCOW!  

 Someone - both sides claim the other - opened fire at one of the polling stations.  Multiple people were killed.

Let's see if the Russians recognize the vote.  No one else seems to have.

The Russian Air Force apparently was ordered to provoke the Ukrainians. 

The Ukrainian counter offensive seems to have stalled.

At the moment, it seems civil war is imminent.

I was asked by my friend Noel why I was supporting, even urging, a military response to the situation in Ukraine.  Wouldn't it be better to try a peaceful response and minimize the possible damage?  And minimize the loss of life?  Considering my ties to the Donbass, I must urge a military response, even with the potential damage and loss of life.

For one, I know the culture and the people well enough I can state, honestly, if the Ukrainians do not respond, strongly, to the LGM, the locals will, over time, lose what support they have for Kiev.  They will not come to support the LGM, but they will not oppose them either: why risk your life for a wimp?  

Secondly, the show of strength is important for dealing with Moscow.  If Moscow thinks this is a cake walk, they will be in the Donbass in a heart beat.  If there might be a further cost, they will stop to consider and perhaps delay, which will buy Ukraine time.

Thirdly, how could I not urge them to defend their country?  After all, if China pulled that stunt on California, or at least San Francisco and the Peninsula, perhaps Seattle, Noel would not be asking that question.  Despite the damage done, there are some things which are worth fighting, even dying for.

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