Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Administravia: Blog Fork, Name Suggestions?

Lately I have been trying to put a couple links per day at noon and 1 pm PT to exoplanet papers as they come out.  It had been sufficient to keep up with the amount coming through.  However, in the past month and change, this is no longer the case.  I tried adjusting upwards to 3 per day, but the backlog of papers is just growing worse.  I thought at first I could just ride it out, but...not gonna happen.  As Doug put it, exoplanet research is going through the same renaissance physics did during the 1920s.  There will be no catch up!  At least with two or three posts per day.  I might as well dedicate the blog to exoplanet research papers then!  Rather than do so,  I am going to fork the  blog.  I am open to name suggestions.  I have one in mind, but we'll see.

The fork is planned for Monday.


Thomas Lee Elifritz said...

Thanks for blogging exoplanetary sciences and physics at the very least. In the very near future this is going to help formulate decisive action on the planet we do have.

Will Baird said...

Thank you, Thomas.

I am going to continue to do so. I will just move it to its own blog. Otherwise this will become exoplanets all the time...which it was never meant to be.

I am just looking for names here for the forked, exoplanet specific blog.

Thomas Lee Elifritz said...

The only one I can suggest that might not be already taken is paleoplanets, since these things will be found by the millions in various states of geological and historical development.